1.  Why began your very first show prep and competition?

I have always been in fitness. I got my first gym membership when I was in a senior in high school at the YMCA and would go after school to workout.  I moved to Florida about 10 years ago and started getting serious about nutrition and lifting based on my goals. I got in really great shape and people kept asking if I planned on competing, so I looked into it.  I worked Corporate Retail Management and had a terrible work/life balance… So when I mentioned anything about health and fitness, everyone would remind me that that wasn’t possible in the positions we held. I felt like I needed to prove them wrong.. so I went on this journey to not only prove you can be “healthy” – but you can take it to the extreme. I was promoted and did some of the best work in my career while doing competition preps. I not only showed that you can think about your health, but you can thrive while you’re doing it.  There are so many benefits of why I keep going… the discipline and “structure” roll into my personal and professional life. I have to have things done on a timeline for cardio and gym – so I need to make sure I get other things done to ensure that time is cleared. So, it’s motivation to check all the boxes day after day! 

2.  What is a typical day of prep in terms of dedication to meal prep and lifting.

I try to wake up early and get my morning cardio done first thing.  Its a great way to get my day started, and I can get caught up on all of my emails and make to-do lists in my head for the coming day. I spend most of the day getting things done for the business and also working from home. I finish up my workday around 3-4 and head back to the gym to do my lift, and depending on where I am in my prep, I will do more cardio post-lift. On Sundays or Mondays, I’ll meal prep and freeze half of it, so my whole week is usually taken care of. 

3.  What type of dedication does it require to prep for a show?  

You have to be all in – IF you want to do well on stage.  A lot of people will justify snacks or slip ups here and there… but that stage never lies. You have to commit to the work in the gym, and the will power it takes to say no to a lot of situations that will put you in a position to fail.  It is a social sacrifice. 

4.  What type of emotional and physical reward can you describe as the pay off? 

Wow… You really cannot put it into words.  The amount of time you put in to YOURSELF over 12, 16, sometimes 20+ weeks is something most people will never experience or do.  It’s like with anything you dedicate yourself to for a long period of time… When you climb a mountain, eat step is a mind game. You’re tired you’re sore, you want SO BAD to give up and have mini-arguments in your head of “why am I doing this?” – but during those arguments, you are still taking steps – almost muscle memory. Your body won’t give up. You eventually get to the top and you look behind you and see what you’ve done. Looking hundreds at hundreds of miles in the distance above the clouds because you made it to the top. Sometimes you get a trophy, sometimes you don’t… but in either situation, you’ve proven to yourself that you can prioritize your goals and dreams – and that’s a huge win. 

5.  What motivated you to do a photo session like this?

I like to showcase each show I do. All the hard work I put in gets to be put on film for me to remember forever.  Describing my day in a previous question, we don’t get to spend much time “showing off” our bodies that we work so hard for.  We are usually in athleisure wear, hair in a pony tail, and MAYBE mascara so we can resemble some sort of human form.  Long story, short: We look like a mess 99% of the time.  So, being able to see yourself looking beautiful and sexy is such a great way to remind yourself of who you are.

6.  Looking back at the photos, are you happy you did this shoot? 

YES!!  1. If felt good in the moment to FEEL sexy and beautiful… 2. I still look at those photos and it’s such a great reminder of how beautiful we are.  EVERY woman deserves to be able to see themselves in that lens.  Tonya has always been able to capture beauty in her photos… she has an eye. And as much as that was my body in those pictures, she made me feel comfortable enough to move and pose in positions that look AMAZING on film.

7.  What kind of advice can you give other women who are contemplating a competition? 

Clear your schedule. Haha. Traveling is hard, social events are hard, holidays are hard. Not impossible… but if you’ve never done it before… people are going to judge you and push you to be “socially normal” and drink and have “just one bite” because “one bite” or “one drink isn’t going to hurt” … Yes it will. 

Also… don’t give up.  It’s so hard to see yourself and your progress clearly.  Your coach is going to guide you based on what he/she sees. So, don’t lie to them. Be 100% honest and transparent – if you cheated, tell them – If you’re having issues with things, tell them. They can’t help you or guide you if they don’t know what you are(or are not) responding to.  So.. put your head down and KEEP GOING. Changes don’t happen overnight… be patient and (cliche) TRUST THE PROCESS!!!

8.  Where can people follow you on social for your future journeys? (If you care to share) 

My instagram is BirchLIkeTheTree 🙂 

Tonya Beaver Photography Studio Location: Jacksonville Beach, FL

318 First Ave N

Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 

For more Boudoir Photography, please visit: 


Hi, I’m Tonya, a Jacksonville Florida Photographer. I specialize in photographing weddings, families, and babies. I would love to hear all about your photography needs to see if we’re a right fit for each other. As a photographer, I get to capture the most exciting and life changing experiences in people’s lives. 

Not only in Jacksonville, but all over North Florida: Ponte Vedra, Amelia Island, St. Augustine, etc. 

I know there are quite a few photographers in Jacksonville so it can be overwhelming. But I invite you to check out my wedding, family, and newborn portfolio. Also, feel free to check out some of my reviews that my previous clients have given me. Jacksonville is one of the most beautiful areas for photographing engagements, weddings and family photos. From the beach, golf clubs, parks, downtown, gorgeous churches and so much more. I look forward to hearing from you and getting to know you more!

[email protected]

(904) 382-6354

Website: www.tonyabeaverphotography.com

Blog:  https://blog.tonyabeaverphotography.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyabeaverphotography/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tonyabeaverphotography

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tonyabeaver

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8LGn9VEqlsbD46DidOelCg